Contact Us: (605) 443-6960 | friends (at) sdpb.org | IRS Tax ID/EIN: 23-7310698
Sustainer | on-going
No matter how much you give, make a lasting impact on the programming you enjoy through automatic monthly payments of $5 or more from your debit/credit card or checking account.
SDPB Passport | $5+ per month ($60 annually)
With an annual gift of $60 or more, you receive a membership to SDPB and a twelve-month subscription to SDPB Magazine, our monthly program guide featuring the SDPB on-air schedule with show highlights and descriptions. Your benefit at this level is SDPB Passport, which gives you access to an on-demand library of amazing SDPB and PBS programming via the PBS Video streaming app. Explore what SDPB Passport has to offer.
NPR+ | $8+ per month ($96 annually)
Give a little, get a lot in return. Donations benefit SDPB and directly impact our community. (And it’s 100% tax deductible.)
SDPB Insider | $500+ annually
Invest in SDPB more and become a SDPB Insider. Get access to advanced tickets offers for both in-studio and partnership events. You will also be recognized in our annual report that is published each fall.
Insider Benefits
- All benefits mentioned above
- Advanced ticket offers
Visionary Society | $1,200+ annually
Visionary Society members believe in the power of public media to inform, inspire, entertain, and strengthen community. Your donation is an investment in the quality of life in South Dakota.
🩶 Silver Benefits ($1,200 – $2,499)
- All benefits mentioned above
- Access to Membership & SDPB Insider benefits
- Invitations to special screenings and events
- Preferred seating at SDPB events
- Private tour of a SDPB studio
💛 Gold Benefits ($2,500 – $4,999)
- All benefits mentioned above
- Meal with SDPB Executive Director or on-air personality
🤍 Platinum Benefits ($5,000 +)
- All benefit mentioned above
- On-Air Donor Recognition and testimonial opportunity
- Ability to direct your gift to a focus fund
Manage Your Membership
Stay informed. Sign up for SDPB Newsletters.
Mail Donations to: Friends of SDPB, PO BOX 5000, Sioux Falls, SD 57117