Donate Personal Assets

You can help build up our community chest by donating your personal treasures to SDPB.

A gift of tangible personal property can include items such as artwork, jewelry, antiques, and other physical objects. A popular benefit of an outright gift of your personal property is an immediate charitable tax deduction. This deduction is maximized when you donate property that:

  • Has increased in value since the time you acquired it,
  • You’ve owned the property for more than one year, and
  • The property will be used to further the mission of SDPB (like delivering educational programming to pre-school and school-aged children). 

You will also be able to avoid capital gains tax on the transfer. If it’s more convenient to give later, you can also make a gift of your personal treasures through your will or revocable living trust.

We Are Here to Help

If you need more information about donating your personal property to SDPB, please contact:

Val Simpson
Donor Relations Director (West)
val.simpson (at)

Wade Gemar
Donor Relations Director (East)
wade.gemar (at)

Ryan Howlett
Chief Executive Officer
and Major Giving Officer
ryan.howlett (at)